
Do you ever look in the mirror and wish that your face had an evener skin tone? If you answered yes, you might want to consider microdermabrasion.

After a series of treatments, your complexion can appear smoother, brighter, and more even in color.

Microdermabrasion appeals to many patients. They like that they can see more youthful skin without having downtime.

Dull complexion.

Uneven skin tone or texture.

Age spots.

Dark spots that can appear when acne starts to clear.


What happens during microdermabrasion?

The dermatologist uses a handheld device that gently removes the top layer of skin. You may feel a sanding sensation, but this is not painful. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes to treat the entire face and about 20 minutes to treat the neck.

After the treatment, a moisturizer is applied.

What will I need to do after microdermabrasion?

You may need to apply a moisturizer or other skin care product at home.
